PHP MySQL Online Training in Hyderabad

Enhance your web development skills with our PHP MySQL Online Training! Gain in-depth knowledge and practical experience in PHP and MySQL through engaging lessons and real-world projects.

Job-Oriented Training

Industry-Endorsed curriculum to you job ready professional.

Live Projects

Exposure to work on real time projects.

Affordable Fees

Courses are available at reasonable cost.

Expert Mentors

Learn from certified & experienced trainers .

Hands on Training

100% Practical based training model.

100% Placement Assistance

Opportunity to get placed in top MNCs.

PHP About

  • Web Application Development
  • Introduction to PHP & MySQL
  • Evaluation of PHP
  • Features of PHP
  • PHP Versions & Comparisons
  • Installation & Configuration
  • PHP Project Development using IDEs

PHP Basics

  • Introduction to Scripting
  • PHP Program Structure
  • Basic PHP Syntax
  • Configuration Settings
  • Output functions in PHP
  • Comments in PHP


  • Variable Declarations
  • Variable Scopes
  • Data Types
  • Variable Manipulations
  • String Variables
  • Heredoc Style
  • Nowdoc Style
  • Variable-Variables
  • Reference Variables
  • Constant Variables
  • Magic Constants
  • Errors Types in PHP
  • Operators
  • Making Decisions
  • Condition Statements
  • Control Statements
  • Case Studies


  • Anatomy of an Array
  • Creating index based & Associative Array
  • Accessing Array Element
  • Looping with index based array
  • Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
  • Array Functions

Web Application Development

  • Handling HTML form with PHP
  • PHP Forms & Validations
  • Super Global Variables of PHP
  • Capturing Form data
  • Dealing with Multi value fields
  • Redirecting a form after submission


  • What is a function?
  • Define a function
  • Functions Passing & returning arguments
  • Call by Value
  • Call by reference
  • Function overloading
  • Local & Global Variables
  • Static Variables
  • Recursive Functions

Built-in Functions

  • Date Functions
  • String Functions
  • Working with Files & Directories
  • Understanding file & directory

Opening and closing a file

  • Copying, renaming, deleting a file
  • Working with directories
  • File Functions
  • Directory Functions
  • File Uploading & Downloading

Server Side Includes

  • include() & include_once()
  • require() & require_once()

Authentication Methodologies

  • HTTP Authentication
  • PHP Authentication

Session Tracking/ State Management

  • Need for State Management
  • Session Tracking using Hidden form fields
  • Session Tracking using query string (URL rewriting)
  • Session Tracking using Cookies
  • Session Tracking using PHP Session
  • Encoding & Decoding Session Data
  • Recently viewed document index
  • Login Module in Project

String matching with Regular Expressions

  • What is Regular Expression
  • Pattern Matching in PHP
  • Replacing text
  • Splitting a string with regular Expression
  • Validating text box values
  • Validating emails, phone number etc
  • Creating custom regular expressions

Generating Images with PHP

  • Basics of Computer Graphics
  • Creating Image
  • Manipulating Image
  • using text in Image

Object Oriented Programming in PHP

  • Introduction
  • Class & Objects
  • Attributes & Methods
  • Declaring a class
  • Encapsulation
  • new Keyword
  • private, protected and public properties & methods
  • Constructors & Destructors
  • Instance of operator
  • Overloading Member Functions
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Overriding Members
  • parent:: & self:: keywords
  • Static & Constant Members
  • Scope Resolution Operator
  • Helper Functions
  • Abstract Class
  • Interfaces
  • Object Iteration
  • final Keyword
  • Object Cloning
  • Object Serialization
  • Reflections

Exception Handling

  • Understanding Exception & Error
  • Configurations
  • PHPs Exception class
  • try…catch..throw
  • User-defined Exceptions
  • Server Side Validations using PHP Filters

E-mail Services

  • Email Protocols
  • Mail Servers
  • Sending email using sendmail
  • Working with PHP Mailer
  • Working with Swift Mailer
  • Sending an Email with Attachment
  • Using PHP from the Command Line
  • PHP Zip file functions
  • Google Maps API


  • Introduction to DBMS & RDBMS
  • Introduction to MySQL Database
  • Database Creation
  • SQL
  • DDL Commands
  • DML Commands
  • DRL Command
  • TCL & DCL Commands
  • Storage Engines
  • MySQL Data Types
  • Constraints
  • Working with MySQL in the Backend
  • Working with phpMyAdmin
  • PHP functions to work with MySQL
  • Performing CRUD operations
  • Working with Large Objects
  • Storing Images in Database
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Sub-queries
  • Functions in MySQL
  • Stored Procedures in MySQL
  • Cursors
  • Indexing in MySQL
  • Joins
  • Views
  • SQL Injection
  • Pagination, Sorting etc
  • PHP working with Oracle, SQL Server etc
  • Using ODBC & OCI functions
  • MySQL Vs MySQLi in PHP
  • PHP Data Objects (PDO) Interface
  • Mini Project